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 So who banned me and for what reason?

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 31
Location : Stalker...

So who banned me and for what reason? Empty
PostSubject: So who banned me and for what reason?   So who banned me and for what reason? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2009 12:31 am

Well today when i got home at 4 i got onto my trojan ~Dex~, well i was black name so i was in jail i busted out went afk and then got capped afk. so i was in jail the whole time just pking KOSed people. I got bored and decided to go and hunt on my archer for a bit. I tried logging my tro back on after i was finished and it kept saying " Wrong password" after 10 trys i knew it wasnt wrong. i went and unstuck my character. Once again it kept saying "wrong password". Well I went back on my tro and whispered my friend [GM]M1K3 and [GM]Kaiichi both of them said they didnt do it and have no clue who did it or whats up. Well its clear that I didnt do anything because i didnt even get a warning of any kind, not that i would get one because i did nothing but pk in jail, srry if thats bannable :s. If anyone does find out who banned me please posted i already send owner a email and hes on it. Say BB GM powers to the random who banned me for no reason Smile.

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Join date : 2009-10-01

So who banned me and for what reason? Empty
PostSubject: Re: So who banned me and for what reason?   So who banned me and for what reason? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 01, 2009 6:23 am

You weren't banned, don't know if you know yet, but there was a time where server login was frozen.
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So who banned me and for what reason?
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